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Regular price $10.00 USD
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2 OZ

This facial hair oil deeply nourishes and hydrates your beard, mustache, or goatee—along with the skin beneath. Choose your perfect scent!

Customize it to your specific needs, whether you want to promote growth, soothe irritation, reduce bumps, acne, eczema, itching, and dandruff, or combat dryness, frizz, ingrown hairs, greys and hair loss. Boost shine and revitalize your facial hair with a formula made just for you!

Ingredients: Sunflower Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Rosehip Oil, Avocado Oil, Argon Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E Oil. Essential Oils                                 

2 OZ

Disclaimer: Royal Gentz is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by any designer brands or their manufacturers. Our fragrances are independently created and do not use the same formulations as any trademarked designer scents. Any reference to brand names is solely for descriptive purposes to indicate the type of scent inspiration and should not be mistaken for an exact replica or association with the original brand.


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